Tel.: 0316 351650-18
eMail: holzinger[at]oekoteam.at
Dr. Werner Holzinger, FRES
Biologist, Managing Director
Key activities
- Project management
- Environment Impact Assessments (EIA)
- Species and natura 2000 site assessments
- Mitigation monitoring and implementation
- Specialist in Entomology (leaf- and planthoppers, dragonflies) and Herpetology
Educational background
- Master in Biology/Botany (1992)
- PhD in Biology/Zoology (1996)
- Habilitation for Zoology (Karl-Franzens-University Graz, 2010)
- Court surveyor for nature conservation and ecology
Science and teaching
- Research projects and professional publications about the taxonomy and phylogeny of cixiid planthoppers (Hemiptera: Cixiidae) and about the taxonomy and ecology of European cicadas
- Lecturer at the Institute for biology at the Karl-Franzens-University (Landscape Ecology and Landscape Planning, Nature and species conservation, Field methods in animal ecology)
- Vicepresident of the Entomological Society of Austria (ÖEG) - LINK
- General secretary of the International Auchenorrhyncha Society (IAS) - LINK
- Member of the executive committee of the “Study Group Auchenorrhyncha” (DgaaE/German Society of general and applied Entomology) - LINK
- Award of the Entomological Society of Austria (ÖEG) for the book “Die Zikaden Mitteleuropas, Band 1: Fulgomorpha, Cicadomorpha excl. Cicadellidae" (2004) (Cicadas of Middle Europe, Vol. 1.: Fulgomorpha, Cicadomorpha excl. Cicadellidae)