Tel.: 0316 351650-20
eMail: friess[at]
Thomas Frieß, MSc, PhD
Key activities
- Environmental impact assessments
- Species and natura 2000 site assessments
- Basic and applied research & management concerning invertrebrates of the habitats directive
- Specialist in Entomology (true bugs, grasshoppers, dragonflies, butterflies)
- Sustainability and nature conservation in agriculture and forestry
- Education, public relations
Educational background
- Master in Biology/ Zoology (1998)
- PhD in Biology/Zoology (2001)
- Court surveyor for nature conservation
Science and teaching
- Scientific publications in the field of faunistics, ecology and applied conservation research with focus on insects, esp. true bugs
- Nature and outdoor education seminars (i.a. nature park academy Steiermark, rural continuing education institute (LFI), University of Education (PH))
- Award winner of the Theodor-Körner-Fonds-Förderungspreis für Wissenschaft (1999, 2011)