Tel.: 0316 351650-17
eMail: b.komposch[at]oekoteam.at
Mag. Brigitte Komposch
Key activities
- Environmental Impact Assessments
- Specialist in mammals (bats, beaver, hamster, souslik, dormouse, wild game), dragonflies, herpetology
- Natura 2000 and species assessments
Educational background
- Master in Biology/ Zoology (2001)
- Master in Wildlife ecology and management (2014)
- GIS (UniGIS professional, 2005)
Science and teaching
- Lecturer at the institute of zoology at the Karl-Franzens-University of Graz
- Professional and popular science publications in the field of faunistics and ecology
- Expert in charge of beavers in Styria
- Guardian of bat habitats at the KFFÖ
- Award winner of the Theodor-Körner-Fonds-Förderungspreis für Wissenschaft (2000)
- Animal and nature photography